The TIMEleSS Annual Meeting was held at the Jugendherberge in Aachen, Germany, on 23-24 July 2019. Members from the Université de Lille (Julien Chantel, Jeffrey Gay, Estelle Ledoux, Sébastien Merkel), the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster (Matthias Krug, Federica Rochira, Morvarid Saki, Christine Thomas), and the Deutsche GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam (Sergio Speziale) met for two days to discuss current advances and future plans.
The first day was dedicated to progress report by the PhD students followed by a scientific presentation by our guest Morvarid Saki. Projects members discussed potential interactions and plans for the next year during the second day.
The meeting a was great opportunity to highlight the current achievements of the project and to focus the work that remains. We now have lot’s of projects and results to look forward to. See you next year for the next meeting and further results!