Seismic anisotropy of pyrolite in the Earth’s lower mantle

Depth Dependent Deformation and Anisotropy of Pyrolite in the Earth's Lower MantleYet another publication from the TIMEleSS team! Former TIMEleSS PhD student Jeff Gay has a new paper entitled Depth Dependent Deformation and Anisotropy of Pyrolite in the Earth’s Lower Mantle in the latest issue of Geophysical Research Letters.

Seismologists rely on observable data to construct models that describe the dynamic state of the Earth’s lower mantle. These models, however, require constraints such as mantle composition and material behavior at high pressures and temperatures, which can be provided through experimental mineral physics.

In this study, we use a high pressure devices and X-rays to impose deformation and image the state of our sample with increasing pressure and temperature. We are able to extract information of individual mineral grains within our assemblage, such as the number of grains per phase and their orientations.

Using this experimental data, we identify three regimes of grain orientations in bridgmanite in the lower mantle, corresponding to

  1. transformation from lower pressure phases,
  2. deformation below ~50 GPa,
  3. deformation above ~50 GPa.

With this information, we are able to make predictions about how seismic waves travel and behave based on the deformation state of the lower mantle.

New publication in Frontiers in Earth Science

Deformation of Polycrystalline MgO Up to 8.3 GPa and 1270 K: Microstructures, Dominant Slip-Systems, and Transition to Grain Boundary SlidingWe have a new publication! On May 9th, 2022, former TIMEleSS PhD student Estelle Ledoux published a new paper in Frontiers in Earth Science: Deformation of Polycrystalline MgO Up to 8.3 GPa and 1270 K: Microstructures, Dominant Slip-Systems, and Transition to Grain Boundary Sliding.

The work is a result of a collaboration between the Université de Lille and the University of Utah. We focus on polycrystalline periclase, the pure Mg end-member of the second-most abundant mineral in the Earth lower mantle, ferro-periclase, for which mechanical properties are important to understand flow and the dynamics of the Earth mantle.

we deform polycrystalline periclase at conditions ranging from 1.6 to 8.3 GPa and 875–1,270 K. We analyse the flow laws and microstructures of the recovered samples using electron microscopy and compare our observations with predictions from the literature. We identify a first mechanism for samples deformed at 1,270 K, attributed to a regime controlled by grain boundary sliding accommodated by diffusion, and characterized by a small grain size, an absence of texture, and no intracrystalline deformation. At 1,070 K and below, the deformation regime is controlled by dislocations. The samples show a more homogeneous grain size distribution, significant texture, and intracrystalline strains. In this regime, deformation is controlled by the ⟨110⟩{110} slip system and a combined ⟨110⟩{110} and ⟨110⟩{100} slip, depending on pressure and temperature.

Based on these results, we propose an updated deformation map for polycrystalline MgO at mantle conditions and discuss the implications for ferropericlase and seismic observations in the Earth’s lower mantle.

More details can be found in the open-access full reference of the study: E. E. Ledoux, F. Lin, L. Miyagi, A. Addad,  A. Fadel, D. Jacob, F. Béclin, and S. Merkel. Deformation of Polycrystalline MgO Up to 8.3 GPa and 1270 K: Microstructures, Dominant Slip-Systems, and Transition to Grain Boundary Sliding. Front. Earth Sci. 10, 849777 (2022) [doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.849777]

Publication in the European Journal of Mineralogy!

Publication in the European Journal of Mineralogy: Deformation of NaCoF3 perovskite and post-perovskite up to 30 GPa and 1013 K: implications for plastic deformation and transformation mechanismA new publication from a TIMEleSS student in the European Journal of Mineralogy : Deformation of NaCoF3 perovskite and post-perovskite up to 30 GPa and 1013 K: implications for plastic deformation and transformation mechanism.

Jeff Gay uses a resistively heated diamond anvil to study the plastic deformation and phase transformation mechanisms in NaCoF3. Under ambient pressure, NaCoF3. crystallizes in the perovskite structure, and later transforms to the post-perovskite. It is hence an excellent analogue to understand the physical properties of bridgmanite, the most abundant mineral on Earth, and dominant component of the Earth’s lower mantle between 660 and 2900 km depth.

These results from a collaboration between the Université de Lille, the University of Utah, University College London, and the PETRA III / DESY synchrotron source were published on 30 Sep 2021 in the European Journal of Mineralogy.

Full reference: J. P. Gay, L. Miyagi, S. Couper, C. Langrand, D. P. Dobson, H.-P. Liermann, S. Merkel, Deformation of NaCoF3 perovskite and post-perovskite up to 30 GPa and 1013 K: implications for plastic deformation and transformation mechanism, European Journal of Mineralogy, 33, 591–603 (2021), abstract [doi: 10.5194/ejm-33-591-2021].