A new PhD defense for the TIMEleSS project!
On Nov 24th, 2022, Jeffrey Gay defended his thesis entitled Microstructures and anisotropy of pyrolite in the Earth’s lower mantle: insights from high pressure/temperature deformation and phase transformation experiments at the Université de Lille.
The PhD committee was composed of
- Motohiko Murakami, ETH Zürich, Rapporteur
- Denis Andrault, Univ. Clermont Auvergne, Rapporteur
- Ana Ferreira, Univ. College London, Examinateur
- Angelika Rosa, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Examinateur
- Huges Leroux, Univ. Lille, Examinateur and President
- Sébastien Merkel, Univ. Lille, PhD Advisor
Jeff presented his work for 45 minutes, followed by an hour of discussion with the committee. After deliberation, the committee decided to award the Doctoral Degree to Jeffrey Gay.
Congratulations Jeff!