Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior

View from the rooftop of ETH ZürichSEDI is an international scientific organization dedicated to the Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior. The ultimate goal of SEDI is an enhanced understanding of the past evolution and current thermal, dynamical and chemical state of the Earth’s deep interior and of the effect that the interior has on the structures and processes observed at the surface of the Earth.

The 2022 Symposium of SEDI is being held in Zurich, Switzerland, from 11th to 15th of July, 2022. TIMEleSS participants C. Thomas, S. Merkel, and J-K Magali are in to discuss their latest results and understanding of deep Earth processes.

TIMEleSS presentations include

  • On the hunt for seismic anisotropy in the lower-mantle from the crystallographic preferred orientation of bridgmanite aggregates induced by large-scale flow, by John Keith Magali et al.
  • Microstructures and anisotropy in pyrolite at lower mantle pressures and temperature, by Jeffrey P. Gay, Estelle Ledoux, Matthias Krug, Julien Chantel, Carmen Sanchez-Valle, Sébastien Merkel
  • Seismic anisotropy due to textures above and below the 410 km discontinuity, by Morvarid Saki et al

See you in Zürich for a wonderful week!

TIMEleSS members at the AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans

2021 AGU Fall Meeting, New OrleansTIMEleSS members attended the Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December 2021. S. Merkel and J. Gay travelled to New Orleans, in the United States, and attended the meeting in while E. Ledoux presented her work remotely.

J. Gay presented his work on the Experimental Investigation of Microstructures at the 660 km discontinuity as a poster while E. Ledoux had the opportunity to give two talks on Dislocation Slip In Wadsleyite And Its Implications For The Seismic Anisotropy In The Mantle Transition Zone and on Deformation Mechanisms In Fine-grained MgO Periclase At Pressures Of 1.6-8.3 GPa And Temperatures Of 875-1270 K. Nice overview of upcoming publications.

It was nice to meet people in person again and we hope that, next time, the whole team will manage to make it in person!

TIMEleSS at the AGU Fall Meeting

AGU Fall Meeting 2020

The Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union is on online and everywhere in 2020! The AGU Fall Meeting typically attract over 25 000 registrants from all over the world, in a conference center somewhere in San Francisco, New Orleans, or somewhere else in the United States. This year, the Fall Meeting is fully online and TIMEleSS members are happily joining in for presenting their latest results!

Presentations from the TIMEleSS project include

Enjoy your AGU fall meeting!

TIMEleSS Annual Meeting

TIMEleSS Annual Meeting 2020The 2020 TIMEleSS Annual Meeting was held online on 8-9 September 2020. Members from the Université de Lille (Julien Chantel, Jeffrey Gay, Estelle Ledoux, Sébastien Merkel), the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster (Matthias Krug, Federica Rochira, Morvarid Saki, Angelo Pisconti, Christine Thomas), and the Deutsche GeoForschungsZentrum, Potsdam (Sergio Speziale) met for two half-days to discuss current advances and future plans.

The first day was dedicated to progress report by the PhD students. The second day followed by a scientific presentation by our guest Morvarid Saki and discussions on the geophysical implications of the results.

Despite the 2020 conditions, the TIMEleSS project is nicely moving forward. Students are reaching a stage when they fully interact with each other. The PIs can’t wait for next year with results and publications!


Seismology training for TIMEleSS members!

TIMEleSS February 2020 seismology trainingTIMEleSS members are in Münster!

TIMEleSS PI C. Thomas is hosting a seismology training for TIMEleSS students.

Participants include TIMEleSS students E. Ledoux, J. Gay, F. Rochira, M. Krug, and guests from WWU Münster Mineralogy and Seismology labs.

The training is the opportunity to move on to the next step in the TIMEleSS project: combining Mineral Physics and Seismology observations and try to say something about deep mantle processes!

TIMEleSS PI at AGU 2019

Centennial session at AGU 2019The fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union is the largest international Earth and space science meeting in the world with approximately 25000 attendees.

2019 is a special year that marks the Centennial for AGU. Monday dec. 9th was a celebration day for Earth Interior studies with a special Centennial session in which TIMEleSS PI S. Merkel was in charge of organizing and chairing part of the day.

Things return to a normal AGU now, with the usual layout for sessions and presentations. The TIMEleSS project will be presented on Thursday morning in session DI41C – A Deep Dive into Lowermost Mantle Processes. Please come by to see the state of our current research!

2nd Deep Earth Mini Symposium in Münster

TIMEleSS members at the 2nd Deep Earth Mini Symposium in Münster (18 Nov. 2019)The second Deep Earth Mini Symposium was held at the Institute for Geophysics of the University of Münster on November 18th 2019.

The one day symposium has presentations from local and international speakers who all came to Münster for a day of science and discussions. The workshop was organized by TIMEleSS PI C. Thomas.

TIMEleSS PI S. Merkel gave a presentation entitled Phase transitions in the lowermost mantle : Effect
on microstructures and seismic reflections. TIMEleSS students F. Rochira and M. Krug presented posters on their most recent works.

TIMEleSS Training on Polycrystal Properties Modeling

Training on Polycrystal Properties Modeling, Oct 2019

This weeks, students from the TIMEleSS project and our special guests are in Lille to learn about polycrystalline properties.

The course is focused on calculating elastic properties and seismic wave propagation features in a polycrystal, textured or not. We also spend some time trying to model texture development in a deformed polycrystalline aggregate thanks to VPSC simulations.

The participants from the TIMEleSS project, Jeffrey Gay (Lille), Estelle Ledoux (Lille), Matthias Krug (Münster), Federica Rochira (Münster), are delighted to host our very special guests, Tommaso Mandolini (Lille), Ilya Kupenko (Münster), Angelo Pisconti (Münster), Morvarid Saki (Münster), and Lea Pennacchioni (GFZ) for the week.

All should dream of Euler angles and 3D-rotations by the end of the week!

GeoMünster 2019 “Earth! Past, Present, Future”

GeoMünster 2019 "Earth! Past, Present, Future"

TIMEleSS members will be at GeoMünster 2019! GeoMünster 2019 is the Annual Conference of the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV – The German Geological Society) and the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG – The German Mineralogical Society). It will be held 22–25 September 2019 at the Münster University, Germany, and will be organized and by the Institutes for Geology and Paleontology, Mineralogy, and Planetology.

TIMEleSS members are organizing a session entitled Minerals in the depths: an experimental approach, with a oral presentation of TIMEleSS student Matthias Krug and a poster from our partner Iliya Kupenko.

See you in Münster in September!

Frederica Rochira presents her work at EGU

Frederica Rochira at EGU 2019 in Vienna

Frederica Rochira was at the EGU General Assembly 2019 in Vienna. EGU brings together geoscientists to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The meeting is held yearly in Vienna, Austria, and, in 2019, it was attended by 16,273 scientists from 113 countries.

Frederica Rochira presented her works entitled Detecting structures in the mid mantle using out-of-plane signals in the multidisciplinary session Dynamics of the mantle in the Earth and planetary bodies: from magma oceans to the present day.

The session, co-organized by TIMEleSS members, included four oral presentations on Thursday as well as 12 PICO presentations early afternoon on Friday. The session was an opportunity for scientists of various fields of geosciences (seismology, geodynamics, mineral physics) to present the results of her works and discuss their implications for understanding the dynamics of mantles, on Earth and other planetary bodies.

TIMEleSS PI giving an invited presentation at the Diamond light source

Diamond High-Pressure Workshop, 26/02/2019 - 27/02/2019

S. Merkel gave an invited presentation at the Diamond Light Source workshop on high pressure research, in the UK.

The workshop aims to bring together high-pressure researchers with different experimental expertise and to highlight the latest developments in high-pressure techniques across synchrotron beamlines.

S. Merkel gave a presentation entitled “In situ study of phase transformation mechanisms using multigrain crystallography“. The presentation was an opportunity to present the science at the foundation of the TIMEleSS project, its objectives, and some results.

TIMEleSS PI giving invited lecture in Les Houches

CREEP Final Workshop Ecole de Physique des Houches (F) 27 January – 1 February 2019

This week, two of the TIMEleSS PI’s are attenting the Final Workshop of the CREEP ITN at the Ecole de Physique des Houches, in France. The workshop is held from 27 January to 1 February 2019 in the town of Les Houches, in the Chamonix valley.

The CREEP ITN is a EU funded project that proposed an interdisciplinary and multiscale approach to study the origin of rheological complexity in Earth and analogous materials and how it controls the dynamics of our planet, including natural and human-induced seismicity, and affects a large range of industrial applications, from energy production and waste storage to production of high-performance glasses. It included a number of partners, from academia and industry with over 10 PhD fellowships. More details can be seen at the CREEP ITN website.

The TIMEleSS project, its objectives, and some results were highlighted in a an hour long invited presentation regarding Phase transitions in the mantle by PI S. Merkel.