- 8 March 2025: On the Influence of Pressure, Phase Transitions, and Water on Large-Scale Seismic Anisotropy Underneath a Subduction Zone
- 16 June 2024: Federica Defended her thesis!
- 9 June 2024: Seismic anisotropy of pyrolite in the Earth’s lower mantle
- 13 May 2024: Pressure-dependent large-scale seismic anisotropy induced by non-Newtonian mantle flow
- 10 December 2023: Publication on olivine-wadsleyite transformation microstructures
- 16 November 2023: New publication in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
- 8 September 2023: New publication in The Seismic Record
- 19 March 2023: First official release of the TIMEleSS-tools and first publication from outside users
- 3 February 2023: New publication in Earth and Planetary Science Letters
- 24 November 2022: PhD Thesis Defence for Jeffrey Gay
- 28 October 2022: Virtual meeting on anisotropy in the upper mantle and transition zone
- 4 October 2022: Yet a second publication in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems: coesite-stishovite transition and the X-discontinuity
- 4 October 2022: New publication in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
- 14 July 2022: Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior
- 26 June 2022: TIMEleSS Tools for Multigrain X-ray Diffraction
- 26 June 2022: TIMEleSS Multigrain Wiki
- 9 May 2022: New publication in Frontiers in Earth Science
- 4 May 2022: New publication in Physical Review Materials
- 25 March 2022: New publication in Geophysical Journal International
- 20 December 2021: TIMEleSS members at the AGU Fall Meeting in New Orleans
- 20 October 2021: PhD Thesis Defence for Estelle Ledoux
- 8 October 2021: TIMEleSS members at the Collège de France
- 5 October 2021: John Keith Magali joins the TIMEleSS project!
- 30 September 2021: Publication in the European Journal of Mineralogy!
- 21 September 2021: Virtual meeting on the transition zone
- 30 June 2021: Virtual meeting on crust subduction
- 20 May 2021: Ernst-von-Rebeur-Paschwitz-Preis for Tine Thomas
- 11 December 2020: TIMEleSS at the AGU Fall Meeting
- 11 December 2020: We are hiring!
- 9 September 2020: TIMEleSS Annual Meeting
- 17 July 2020: Beamtime at SOLEIL!
- 26 March 2020: Publication in The Conversation
- 27 February 2020: Seismology training for TIMEleSS members!
- 12 December 2019: Paper out in Nature Communications !
- 10 December 2019: TIMEleSS PI at AGU 2019
- 5 December 2019: We are hiring!
- 25 November 2019: Lecture for junior high school students
- 20 November 2019: 2nd Deep Earth Mini Symposium in Münster
- 22 October 2019: TIMEleSS Training on Polycrystal Properties Modeling
- 3 September 2019: Matthias Krug is in Lille for one month
- 25 July 2019: GeoMünster 2019 “Earth! Past, Present, Future”
- 24 July 2019: TIMEleSS Annual Meeting
- 15 July 2019: We are hiring!
- 9 July 2019: Estelle Ledoux presents her work at the Colloque de la Sfµ 2019
- 24 May 2019: Datatron for the TIMEleSS project
- 17 April 2019: Frederica Rochira presents her work at EGU
- 23 March 2019: Synchrotron beamtime for TIMEleSS
- 27 February 2019: TIMEleSS PI giving an invited presentation at the Diamond light source
- 13 February 2019: Second multigrain diffraction training session for TIMEleSS members
- 29 January 2019: TIMEleSS PI giving invited lecture in Les Houches
- 22 January 2019: Student presentations in Münster
- 11 January 2019: PhD student day in Lille
- 19 December 2018: Deep Earth Mini Symposium at WWU Münster
- 10 December 2018: TIMEleSS PI begins its term at the American Geophysical Union Council
- 10 December 2018: AGU week for the TIMEleSS PI
- 3 December 2018: Jeffrey Gay joins the TIMEleSS project
- 30 October 2018: Startup meeting for TIMEleSS
- 26 October 2018: Lecture for high school teachers
- 26 October 2018: Two students of the TIMEleSS project at the Deep Earth School in Les Houches
- 21 June 2018: First training session on multigrain analysis
- 20 June 2018: Tine Thomas explains geophysics in Gymnasium!
- 9 June 2018: Busy week-end for the TIMEleSS team
- 22 May 2018: Federica gives her first talk
- 18 May 2018: Estelle Ledoux joins the TIMEleSS project
- 19 April 2018: Federica Rochira joins the TIMEleSS project
- 17 April 2018: Matthias Krug joins the TIMEleSS project
- 15 March 2018: First PI meeting for TIMEleSS
- 9 January 2018: TIMEleSS PI’s will be at EGU 2018!
- 21 December 2017: Opening for two PhD positions!
- 20 November 2017: The TIMEleSS project was selected!